Jamu And Other Matectomy Swimwear

Jamu is no longer trading, so we are offering Mastectomy Swimwear from other brands too. Jamu is dedicated to one particular kind of swimwear for one particular purpose, specialising in making swimsuits and bikinis for women who've had breast removal surgery. Jamu's bikinis and swimsuits in the collection all use clever visual effects and adaptable padding to create the effect of a full bust and the masking effects that so few other swimsuits have. Jamu's concentration on quality and timelessness makes them the solid choice for anyone looking for a swimsuit that provides the very best quality as well as the innovative body modifications that Jamu is so famous for. Jamu.co.uk is the perfect place to find information on the brand and to purchase a design for yourself. Just click on any of the items below and you'll be taken to a page where you can view close ups and videos of the items and purchase one in your size too. Jamu's beautiful and innovative products can be a part of your beachwear wardrobe instantly.
Though this is not the official website of Jamu Australia we are one of their UK offical retailers. We are based in Cheshire UK.